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生活有太多妥协的句子
编辑:编辑:互联网
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阅读:-
1.
"Sometimes
the
best
we
can
do
is
to
settle
for
less
than
what
we
truly
deserve.
"
【妥协】
2.
"In
life,
you
have
to
learn
to
pick
your
battles
and
sometimes
that
means
letting
go
of
what
you
want.
"
【选择】
3.
"Compromise
is
a
necessary
evil
in
order
to
maintain
relationships.
"
【关系】
4.
"Life
is
about
making
choices,
even
if
it
means
settling
for
something
that
is
not
your
first
choice.
"
【抉择】
5.
"It's
impossible
to
have
everything
you
want
in
life,
you
have
to
learn
to
make
compromises.
"
【不可能】
6.
"Every
decision
in
life
comes
with
a
cost,
if
you
want
something
badly
enough
you
have
to
be
willing
to
pay
that
cost.
"
【代价】
7.
"Sometimes
the
only
way
to
get
what
you
want
is
to
compromise
and
meet
in
the
middle.
"
【妥协】
8.
"Life
is
about
making
trade-offs,
sometimes
you
have
to
sacrifice
one
thing
in
order
to
gain
another.
"
【取舍】
9.
"In
order
to
achieve
success,
you
have
to
be
willing
to
make
compromises
along
the
way.
"
【成功】
10.
"The
key
to
a
happy
life
is
learning
to
accept
the
things
you
cannot
change
and
making
the
most
of
what
you
have.
"
【幸福】
11.
"Change
is
never
easy,
sometimes
you
have
to
compromise
and
adapt
in
order
to
move
forward.
"
【变革】
12.
"Life
is
full
of
obstacles,
but
sometimes
the
best
way
to
overcome
them
is
to
make
a
compromise
and
find
a
new
path.
"
【障碍】
13.
"At
times
you
have
to
settle
for
what
is
good
enough,
rather
than
holding
out
for
perfection.
"
【完美】
14.
"The
road
to
success
is
never
straightforward,
it's
about
making
compromises
and
taking
risks
along
the
way.
"
【成功】
15.
"In
life,
you
have
to
be
prepared
to
compromise
your
own
desires
for
the
greater
good
of
others.
"
【利益】
16.
"Sometimes
the
best
way
to
solve
a
problem
is
to
meet
in
the
middle
and
find
a
compromise.
"
【解决问题】
17.
"You
can't
always
get
what
you
want
in
life,
but
you
can
find
happiness
in
the
things
that
you
do
have.
"
【幸福】
18.
"The
most
successful
people
in
life
are
those
who
learn
to
adapt
and
make
compromises
when
necessary.
"
【成功】
19.
"In
order
to
make
progress,
you
have
to
be
willing
to
embrace
change
and
make
compromises
along
the
way.
"
【进步】
20.
"Life
is
about
taking
risks
and
making
decisions,
sometimes
it
means
settling
for
less
than
what
you
envisioned.
"
【决策】