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潮流语录短句伤感英文(伤感的情感语录短句)
编辑:编辑:佚名
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阅读:-
1.
"It
hurts
to
let
go,
but
sometimes
it
hurts
more
to
hold
on.
"
【#heartbreak】
2.
"When
you
try
your
best
but
you
don't
succeed,
when
you
get
what
you
want
but
not
what
you
need.
"
【#soul-crushing】
3.
"Pain
is
inevitable,
but
suffering
is
optional.
"
【#optimism】
4.
"Sometimes
you
have
to
give
up
on
people,
not
because
you
don't
care,
but
because
they
don't.
"
【#letting-go】
5.
"It's
not
the
goodbye
that
hurts,
it's
the
flashbacks
that
follow.
"
【#memories】
6.
"Until
you
heal
the
wounds
of
your
past,
you
will
continue
to
bleed.
"
【#self-care】
7.
"I
wanted
to
forget
you,
but
instead,
remembered
everything.
"
【#nostalgia】
8.
"People
cry,
not
because
they're
weak,
but
because
they've
been
strong
for
too
long.
"
【#emotions】
9.
"It's
better
to
be
alone
than
to
be
in
bad
company.
"
【#self-love】
10.
"The
hardest
thing
about
dreaming
about
someone
you
love
is
to
wake
up.
"
【#heartache】
11.
"Sometimes
the
person
you'd
take
a
bullet
for
ends
up
being
the
one
behind
the
gun.
"
【#betrayal】
12.
"The
worst
feeling
is
not
being
lonely,
it's
being
forgotten.
"
【#abandonment】
13.
"In
the
end,
we
only
regret
the
chances
we
didn't
take.
"
【#regret】
14.
"Life
is
a
series
of
natural
and
spontaneous
changes.
Don't
resist
them
-
that
only
creates
sorrow.
"
【#growth】
15.
"The
pain
you
feel
today
is
the
strength
you
feel
tomorrow.
"
【#resilience】
16.
"When
you're
happy,
you
enjoy
the
music;
but
when
you're
sad,
you
understand
the
lyrics.
"
【#music】
17.
"The
happiest
people
don't
have
the
best
of
everything,
they
make
the
best
of
everything.
"
【#gratitude】
18.
"Time
heals
almost
everything,
give
it
time.
"
【#patience】
19.
"Love
is
not
always
perfect.
It's
not
a
fairy
tale
or
a
storybook.
And
it
doesn't
always
come
easy.
"
【#real-love】
20.
"Life
is
tough,
my
darling,
but
so
are
you.
"
【#strength】