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描写很意外唯美句子(描写樱花的唯美句)
编辑:编辑:佚名
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阅读:-
1.
The
sunburst
through
the
clouds
was
like
a
kiss
from
heaven.
】
2.
The
wind
carried
the
petal
of
a
cherry
blossom,
and
it
was
like
watching
a
delicate
dance.
】
3.
The
colors
of
the
sunset
painted
the
sky
like
a
masterful
canvas.
】
4.
The
first
snowfall
was
like
a
fairy
tale
come
to
life.
】
5.
The
sound
of
the
ocean
waves
was
like
a
soothing
lullaby.
】
6.
The
forest
was
alive
with
the
rustling
of
leaves,
like
the
whispers
of
a
secret.
】
7.
The
rainbow
after
the
storm
was
like
a
promise
of
better
things
to
come.
】
8.
The
dew
on
the
petals
of
a
flower
was
like
diamonds
on
silk.
】
9.
The
reflection
of
the
stars
on
the
calm
lake
was
like
a
glimpse
into
the
universe.
】
10.
The
misty
morning
was
like
a
dream
that
you
never
wanted
to
end.
】
11.
The
release
of
a
butterfly
was
like
a
burst
of
hope.
】
12.
The
flutter
of
a
hummingbird's
wings
was
like
a
song
in
the
air.
】
13.
The
softness
of
a
kitten's
fur
was
like
a
plush
blanket.
】
14.
The
sudden
burst
of
colors
during
autumn
was
like
a
magic
show.
】
15.
The
beauty
of
a
sunset
over
the
mountains
was
like
a
breathtaking
masterpiece.
】
16.
The
sight
of
lightning
bolts
in
the
sky
was
like
a
dance
between
nature
and
electricity.
】
17.
The
silence
of
a
snowy
night
was
like
a
peaceful
serenade.
】
18.
The
symphony
of
a
rainstorm
was
like
a
concert
for
the
soul.
】
19.
The
sight
of
a
shooting
star
was
like
a
spark
of
hope
in
a
dark
night.
】
20.
The
fireworks
display
on
New
Year's
Eve
was
like
a
celebration
of
life's
beauty.
】