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儿童英文句子温柔治愈(英文句子唯美温柔)
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阅读:-
1.
You're
amazing
just
the
way
you
are.
【Encouragement】
2.
Don't
worry
if
you
make
mistakes,
that's
how
we
learn.
【Comforting】
3.
You
are
loved,
and
nothing
can
ever
change
that.
【Reassuring】
4.
Always
remember
that
you
are
capable
of
achieving
great
things.
【Motivating】
5.
It's
okay
to
take
a
break
and
rest
when
you
need
to.
【Nurturing】
6.
You
have
the
power
to
control
your
feelings
and
emotions.
【Empowering】
7.
Let's
work
together
to
solve
this
problem.
【Supportive】
8.
You
have
a
unique
and
special
gift
that
only
you
can
offer
the
world.
【Affirming】
9.
believe
in
you
and
your
abilities.
【Supportive】
10.
Just
do
your
best,
and
that's
all
that
counts.
【Encouraging】
11.
It's
okay
to
ask
for
help
when
you
need
it.
【Compassionate】
12.
You
are
not
alone,
we
are
all
in
this
together.
【Inclusive】
13.
Always
remember
to
be
kind
to
yourself
and
others.
【Positive】
14.
You
are
worthy
and
deserve
happiness.
【Affirming】
15.
Let's
take
a
deep
breath,
and
try
again.
【Calming】
16.
We
all
make
mistakes,
let's
learn
from
them
and
move
on.
【Forgiving】
17.
You
have
a
beautiful
heart,
let
it
shine.
【Complimentary】
18.
It's
okay
to
feel
sad
sometimes,
and
important
to
talk
about
it.
【Validating】
19.
You
are
a
superhero
in
your
own
way.
【Empowering】
20.
am
here
for
you,
always.
【Supportive】