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沈傲君图片伤感语录英语
编辑:编辑:互联网
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阅读:-
1.
"Love
is
like
a
rose,
beautiful
but
full
of
thorns.
"
【Love】
2.
"I
am
bruised,
but
will
not
be
broken.
"
【Strength】
3.
"Tears
are
signs
of
a
strong
heart,
not
of
a
weak
one.
"
【Emotion】
4.
"Time
heals
all
wounds,
but
the
scars
will
always
remain.
"
【Healing】
5.
"Sometimes
the
only
way
to
move
forward
is
to
let
go
of
the
past.
"
【Moving
on】
6.
"The
deeper
the
love,
the
greater
the
pain.
"
【Heartache】
7.
"Sorrow
may
stay
for
the
night,
but
joy
comes
in
the
morning.
"
【Hope】
8.
"It's
better
to
have
loved
and
lost
than
to
never
have
loved
at
all.
"
【Love】
9.
"The
strongest
hearts
have
the
most
scars.
"
【Strength】
10.
"No
matter
how
hard
life
gets,
never
lose
hope.
"
【Hope】
11.
"Goodbyes
are
not
forever,
they're
just
temporary
until
we
meet
again.
"
【Closure】
12.
"Even
the
brightest
stars
shine
through
the
darkest
nights.
"
【Perseverance】
13.
"What
doesn't
kill
you
makes
you
stronger.
"
【Resilience】
14.
"It's
okay
to
not
be
okay
sometimes.
"
【Self-care】
15.
"Scars
are
beautiful,
they
remind
us
of
what
we
have
overcome.
"
【Strength】
16.
"The
pain
you
feel
today
is
the
strength
you
feel
tomorrow.
"
【Growth】
17.
"We
may
stumble
and
fall,
but
we
never
truly
fail
until
we
stop
trying.
"
【Perseverance】
18.
"Grief
is
like
the
ocean,
it
comes
in
waves,
sometimes
the
water
is
calm,
and
other
times
it's
overwhelming.
"
【Emotion】
19.
"When
life
knocks
you
down,
get
back
up
stronger
than
before.
"
【Resilience】
20.
"The
only
way
to
heal
is
to
first
accept
the
pain.
"
【Healing】