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欧美生活有趣的句子
编辑:编辑:匿名
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阅读:-
1.
"Living
abroad
has
taught
me
more
about
myself
than
anything
ever
could.
"】
2.
"The
best
part
of
living
in
Europe
is
stumbling
upon
hidden
alleys
and
discovering
new
places.
"】
3.
"I
never
thought
I'd
learn
to
love
public
transportation,
but
it's
efficient
and
fun.
"】
4.
"Once
you
start
picking
up
the
local
language,
everything
becomes
more
meaningful.
"】
5.
"Trying
new
foods
and
experimenting
with
ingredients
is
a
huge
part
of
the
adventure.
"】
6.
"I
can't
believe
how
much
my
perspective
on
the
world
has
changed
since
moving
overseas.
"】
7.
"Making
friends
in
a
foreign
country
can
be
tough,
but
it's
worth
the
effort.
"】
8.
"Traveling
solo
through
Europe
has
been
one
of
the
most
empowering
experiences
of
my
life.
"】
9.
"I
love
the
feeling
of
being
completely
lost
in
a
new
city,
it's
the
best
way
to
discover
hidden
gems.
"】
10.
"Living
abroad
has
made
me
appreciate
the
little
things
in
life
and
not
take
anything
for
granted.
"】
11.
"I've
met
people
from
all
over
the
world
and
learned
so
much
about
different
cultures.
"】
12.
"Learning
to
adapt
to
a
new
way
of
life
has
been
challenging,
but
it's
taught
me
a
lot
about
resilience.
"】
13.
"Going
outside
of
my
comfort
zone
has
been
scary,
but
it's
led
to
some
of
the
best
experiences
I've
ever
had.
"】
14.
"The
best
part
of
living
in
Europe
is
that
it's
easy
and
affordable
to
travel
to
neighboring
countries.
"】
15.
"Experiencing
different
holidays
and
traditions
has
been
eye-opening
and
fun.
"】
16.
"Sometimes
the
most
memorable
experiences
happen
when
you
least
expect
them.
"】
17.
"Living
overseas
can
be
lonely
at
times,
but
there's
something
liberating
about
being
independent.
"】
18.
"I
never
thought
I'd
miss
the
sound
of
church
bells
ringing,
but
it's
one
of
the
things
love
about
living
in
Europe.
"】
19.
"Finding
ways
to
celebrate
your
own
culture
while
immersing
yourself
in
a
new
one
is
a
great
balance.
"】
20.
"I
never
want
to
become
complacent
or
take
my
experience
living
abroad
for
granted,
so
make
a
conscious
effort
to
continue
learning
and
exploring.
"】