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爱情友谊讽刺句子简短英文(讽刺三个人友谊的句子)
编辑:编辑:互联网
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阅读:-
1.
Love
is
a
battlefield,
where
hearts
are
broken
and
friendships
are
shattered.
】
2.
In
the
game
of
love
and
friendship,
trust
is
just
another
word
for
betrayal.
】
3.
They
say
love
is
blind,
but
friendship
is
the
one
who
holds
the
blindfold.
】
4.
Love
and
friendship
are
like
two
sides
of
a
coin:
one
always
ends
up
getting
tossed
aside.
】
5.
People
often
confuse
love
with
lust
and
friendship
with
convenience.
】
6.
Love
may
bring
two
souls
together,
but
friendship
can
tear
them
apart.
】
7.
In
the
realm
of
love
and
friendship,
loyalty
is
a
rare
commodity.
】
8.
Love
is
fleeting,
friendship
is
fickle,
and
both
are
a
recipe
for
heartache.
】
9.
Love
and
friendship
are
like
two
snakes,
constantly
leading
to
betrayal
and
deceit.
】
10.
Love
and
friendship
are
the
perfect
recipe
for
disappointment
and
heartbreak.
】
11.
Love
is
a
fairytale,
and
friendship
is
the
wicked
witch
that
ruins
it.
】
12.
In
the
game
of
love
and
friendship,
no
one
ever
truly
wins.
】
13.
Love
is
an
illusion,
and
friendship
is
just
another
form
of
manipulation.
】
14.
Love
and
friendship
are
like
quicksand,
the
more
you
struggle,
the
deeper
you
sink.
】
15.
Love
is
a
flame
that
burns
bright,
while
friendship
is
the
rain
that
extinguishes
it.
】
16.
In
the
realm
of
love
and
friendship,
trust
is
a
precious
treasure
that
is
rarely
found.
】
17.
Love
is
like
a
puzzle,
where
the
pieces
never
quite
fit
together,
and
friendship
is
the
missing
piece
that
can
never
be
found.
】
18.
Love
and
friendship
are
a
double-edged
sword
that
can
both
heal
and
destroy.
】
19.
Love
is
a
game
of
chance,
and
friendship
is
the
bluff
that
leads
to
ultimate
betrayal.
】
20.
In
the
realm
of
love
and
friendship,
everyone
is
just
out
for
their
own
self-interest.
】