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表达爱情的时间短语句子(表达爱情的藏头诗)
编辑:编辑:佚名
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阅读:-
1.
Time
stands
still
when
I'm
with
you.
【Love
Quote】
2.
Every
moment
with
you
is
a
precious
gift.
【Love
Quote】
3.
wish
we
could
freeze
time
and
stay
like
this
forever.
【Love
Quote】
4.
The
moments
we
share
together
are
the
happiest
in
my
life.
【Love
Quote】
5.
never
feel
like
have
enough
time
with
you.
【Love
Quote】
6.
Time
flies
when
you're
in
love.
【Love
Quote】
7.
cherish
every
second
we
spend
together.
【Love
Quote】
8.
In
your
arms,
time
seems
to
lose
all
meaning.
【Love
Quote】
9.
want
to
spend
every
moment
of
my
life
with
you.
【Love
Quote】
10.
The
time
we
spend
together
is
the
best
time
of
my
life.
【Love
Quote】
11.
Love
is
timeless,
and
our
love
is
forever.
【Love
Quote】
12.
Every
moment
spend
with
you
is
worth
a
lifetime.
【Love
Quote】
13.
When
I'm
with
you,
time
stands
still
and
nothing
else
matters.
【Love
Quote】
14.
Our
love
is
stronger
than
the
passing
of
time.
【Love
Quote】
15.
The
time
spend
with
you
is
the
most
precious
gift
could
ask
for.
【Love
Quote】
16.
don't
need
forever,
just
need
today
with
you.
【Love
Quote】
17.
Time
may
pass,
but
my
love
for
you
only
grows
stronger.
【Love
Quote】
18.
The
time
we
spend
together
is
like
a
dream
come
true.
【Love
Quote】
19.
Every
second,
every
minute,
every
hour
spent
with
you
is
a
blessing.
【Love
Quote】
20.
want
to
spend
the
rest
of
my
life
cherishing
every
moment
with
you.
【Love
Quote】