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最美书桌唯美的句子(在我心中你最美的句短唯美)
编辑:编辑:投稿
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阅读:-
1.
"A
cluttered
desk
is
a
sign
of
a
cluttered
mind,
but
an
empty
desk
is
a
sign
of
an
empty
one.
"
【思维清晰的人总是能保持书桌的整洁】
2.
"A
good
book
and
a
cozy
desk
can
transport
you
to
another
world.
"
【舒适的书桌和好书能够带你前往另一个世界】
3.
"In
a
world
full
of
technology,
there's
nothing
quite
like
the
simplicity
of
pen
and
paper
on
a
beautiful
desk.
"
【在科技密集的时代,用笔和纸在漂亮的书桌上写字是一种无可取代的简洁】
4.
"A
book
is
a
portal
to
the
world,
and
a
beautiful
desk
is
the
gateway
to
the
imagination.
"
【书是通向世界的大门,而美丽的书桌则是想象力之门】
5.
"A
well-curated
collection
of
books
on
a
clean,
minimalist
desk
is
the
perfect
recipe
for
inspiration.
"
【一张简约干净的书桌上摆放着有品味的书籍,这是激发灵感的完美组合】
6.
"A
clutter-free
desk
is
a
reflection
of
a
clear
and
focused
mind.
"
【整洁的书桌反映了清晰和专注的内心】
7.
"A
beautifully
arranged
bookshelf
and
a
clean
desk
are
the
ultimate
boosters
for
productivity.
"
【整齐排列的书架和干净的书桌是提高工作效率最好的助推器】
8.
"A
messy
desk
may
seem
chaotic,
but
it's
often
the
sign
of
a
creative
mind
at
work.
"
【杂乱无章的书桌看起来可能有些混乱,但往往是一种创造性思维的表现】
9.
"A
well-loved
desk
is
a
testament
to
the
memories
created
while
pouring
over
books
and
ideas.
"
【被深爱的书桌见证了探怀书籍和沉浸思想的美好回忆】
10.
"A
desk
doesn't
have
to
be
big
or
expensive
to
be
beautiful;
it
just
has
to
be
loved.
"
【书桌不需要大或昂贵才算美丽,它只要被爱就好】
11.
"A
desk
is
not
just
a
place
to
work,
it's
a
place
to
dream,
to
create,
and
to
be
inspired.
"
【书桌不仅是工作的地方,更是梦想、创造和灵感的发源地】
12.
"Your
desk
may
be
a
mess,
but
your
mind
is
a
treasure
trove
of
ideas
waiting
to
be
discovered.
"
【你的书桌也许很乱,但你的头脑是一个等待探索的创意宝库】
13.
"A
beautiful
desk
is
a
canvas
waiting
for
your
imagination
to
come
alive.
"
【一个漂亮的书桌是等待你的想象力发挥的画布】
14.
"A
desk
surrounded
by
stacks
of
books
is
a
reminder
that
knowledge
is
power.
"
【被书籍包围的书桌是提醒我们知识就是力量】
15.
"A
desk
is
a
reflection
of
your
personality;
make
it
beautiful,
make
it
you.
"
【书桌是你个性的反映,让它充满美感,让它展示你自己】
16.
"A
desk
is
where
ideas
are
born,
and
where
they
grow
into
something
tangible.
"
【书桌是思维的摇篮,也是想法变成作品的地方】
17.
"A
few
well-chosen
items
on
a
desk
can
transform
it
from
ordinary
to
extraordinary.
"
【书桌上一些精心选择的物品可以使它从普通变得特别】
18.
"A
book
on
a
desk
is
like
a
friend
waiting
to
be
discovered.
"
【一本在书桌上的书就像等待被发现的朋友】
19.
"A
desk
is
the
foundation
of
your
work,
make
it
sturdy
and
make
it
beautiful.
"
【书桌是你工作的基础,让它稳固且美丽】
20.
"A
desk
may
be
the
physical
space
where
you
work,
but
it
holds
the
key
to
your
mental
and
creative
world.
"
【书桌可能只是你的工作场所,但它承载着你的思维和创造世界的钥匙】