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生活趣事英语句子摘抄(太空生活趣事多句子积累)
编辑:编辑:互联网
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阅读:-
1.
My
cat
once
stole
my
neighbor's
fish
from
their
pond
and
brought
it
into
my
house
as
a
present.
【funny】
2.
When
was
in
college,
accidentally
showed
up
to
class
wearing
two
different
shoes.
【embarrassing】
3.
One
time,
was
so
focused
on
my
phone
that
walked
into
a
pole
on
the
street.
【clumsy】
4.
attempted
to
cook
a
fancy
dinner
for
my
date,
but
ended
up
burning
everything.
We
ended
up
ordering
pizza
instead.
【disappointing】
5.
My
grandma
once
convinced
me
to
try
a
snail
she
found
in
her
garden,
and
it
was
surprisingly
delicious.
【adventurous】
6.
During
a
power
outage,
my
whole
family
ended
up
playing
board
games
by
candlelight
and
it
turned
out
to
be
one
of
our
best
memories.
【unexpected】
7.
accidentally
sent
a
text
message
meant
for
my
friend
to
my
boss,
and
it
was
a
really
embarrassing
moment.
【mistake】
8.
once
got
lost
in
a
foreign
city
and
ended
up
stumbling
upon
an
amazing
restaurant
that
never
would
have
found
otherwise.
【lucky】
9.
My
little
brother
tried
to
climb
a
tree
to
retrieve
his
toy
and
ended
up
getting
himself
stuck.
It
took
multiple
adults
to
get
him
down.
【funny】
10.
One
time,
jumped
into
a
pool
without
realizing
how
cold
it
was
and
ended
up
shrieking
in
surprise.
【surprising】
11.
accidentally
spilled
coffee
on
my
white
shirt
right
before
an
important
meeting.
【frustrating】
12.
tried
to
bake
a
cake
from
scratch
and
it
turned
out
so
bad
that
had
to
throw
it
away.
【disappointing】
13.
When
was
younger,
accidentally
dyed
the
whole
family's
laundry
pink
because
left
a
red
shirt
in
the
load.
【mistake】
14.
During
a
family
vacation,
we
got
lost
on
a
hike
and
ended
up
finding
an
amazing
hidden
waterfall.
【adventurous】
15.
once
accidentally
called
my
teacher
"mom"
in
front
of
the
whole
class.
【embarrassing】
16.
My
dog
stole
a
whole
loaf
of
bread
off
the
kitchen
counter
and
ate
it
all,
leaving
just
the
bag
behind.
【funny】
17.
While
trying
to
go
on
a
leisurely
bike
ride,
got
a
flat
tire
right
away
and
had
to
walk
my
bike
back
home.
【frustrating】
18.
One
time,
accidentally
wore
a
Halloween
costume
to
school
on
a
regular
day.
【embarrassing】
19.
During
a
family
game
night,
my
dad
accidentally
sent
the
game
board
flying
and
all
the
pieces
went
everywhere.
【funny】
20.
once
got
lost
in
a
corn
maze
and
it
took
me
hours
to
find
the
exit.
【surprising】