.jpg)
Life
is
about
finding
yourself,
not
finding
someone
else.
【无需寻觅爱人,自我寻觅已足够】
2.
Happiness
comes
from
within,
not
from
another
person.
【幸福源自内心,非他人所提供】
3.
Don't
search
for
someone
to
complete
you,
you
are
already
whole.
【勿寻他人急欲寻找,你已经足够完整】
4.
Love
is
not
the
only
way
to
experience
true
happiness.
【真正的幸福并非只来源于爱情】
5.
You
don't
need
someone
else
to
validate
your
worth.
【不需要他人认可你的价值】
6.
Being
single
doesn't
mean
you
are
alone,
it
means
you
are
strong
enough
to
live
life
on
your
own
terms.
【单身并非孤独,你足够强大,可按照自己的意志生活】
7.
Learn
to
love
yourself
first,
before
loving
someone
else.
【爱之前,先学会爱自己】
8.
Your
happiness
cannot
be
dependent
on
another
person's
actions
or
feelings.
【你的幸福不应取决于他人的行为或情感】
9.
The
love
you
give
to
yourself
is
just
as
important
as
the
love
you
give
to
others.
【爱自己的重要性与爱他人一样具有价值】
10.
It's
okay
to
be
alone,
it's
not
the
same
as
being
lonely.
【单独生活无可厚非,孤独不等于寂寞】
11.
Self-love
is
not
selfish,
it's
necessary.
【自爱并非自私,它是必要的】
2.
Your
happiness
should
never
be
sacrificed
for
the
sake
of
someone
else's.
【不要为了别人的幸福而牺牲自己的幸福】
3.
Being
content
with
yourself
is
a
powerful
form
of
self-love.
【对自己的满足是自我爱的强有力表现】
4.
You
have
the
power
to
create
your
own
happiness,
without
needing
someone
else's
validation.
【你有能力创造自己的幸福,无需他人认可】
5.
Don't
let
society
convince
you
that
your
worth
is
dependent
on
your
relationship
status.
【不要被社会所迷惑,你的价值不由情感决定】
6.
You
are
enough,
just
as
you
are.
【你的存在就足够美好】
7.
Self-love
is
not
a
destination,
it's
a
daily
practice.
【自爱是日常行为,非终点】
8.
Love
shouldn't
complete
you,
but
complement
you.
【爱情不应让你变得完全,而是相互补充】
9.
Being
on
your
own
is
an
opportunity
to
learn
and
grow.
【独立生活是探寻自我、成长的机会】
20.
Your
happiness
is
worth
fighting
for,
even
if
it
means
being
on
your
own.
【即便需要单独一人,也要拼尽全力争取自己的幸福】
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