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交往文案励志英文语录伤感(英文励志文案长篇)
编辑:编辑:投稿
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阅读:-
1.
Don't
let
the
pain
of
the
past
stop
you
from
seeking
the
joy
of
the
future.
【inspirational】
2.
Every
heartbreak
is
a
lesson,
not
a
defeat.
【motivational】
3.
Without
darkness,
there
can
be
no
light.
Embrace
your
struggles,
for
they
make
you
stronger.
【uplifting】
4.
Don't
waste
your
time
on
someone
who
doesn't
appreciate
your
worth.
【advice】
5.
Love
is
not
about
possession,
but
mutual
respect
and
trust.
【insightful】
6.
Happiness
is
not
a
destination,
but
a
journey.
Enjoy
the
ride,
even
if
there
are
bumps
along
the
way.
【encouraging】
7.
The
only
way
to
truly
heal
is
to
let
go
of
what's
hurting
you.
【wise】
8.
You
can't
change
the
past,
but
you
can
change
how
you
react
to
it.
【empowering】
9.
Sometimes
goodbye
is
the
only
way
to
say
love
you.
【heartfelt】
10.
It
takes
courage
to
love
again
after
being
hurt,
but
it's
worth
it.
【brave】
11.
The
most
beautiful
things
in
life
are
often
the
most
fragile.
Handle
with
care.
【empathetic】
12.
You
are
never
alone
if
you
have
love
in
your
heart.
【comforting】
13.
Even
the
strongest
of
hearts
can
be
broken,
but
they
can
also
mend.
【reassuring】
14.
Forgiveness
is
not
about
forgetting,
but
about
letting
go
of
the
pain.
【enlightening】
15.
In
order
to
be
loved,
you
must
first
learn
to
love
yourself.
【empowering】
16.
Don't
let
anyone
dim
your
light,
for
it
is
what
makes
you
shine.
【assertive】
17.
It's
okay
to
not
be
okay
sometimes.
Allow
yourself
to
feel
your
emotions.
【understanding】
18.
Love
doesn't
always
come
easy,
but
it's
always
worth
fighting
for.
【persistent】
19.
In
a
world
full
of
chaos,
love
is
the
only
thing
that
brings
order.
【profound】
20.
Life
is
too
short
to
spend
it
with
someone
who
doesn't
make
you
happy.
【realistic】