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爱情胜过亲情句子(友情亲情爱情的句子)
编辑:编辑:投稿
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阅读:-
1.
"Love
isn't
just
a
feeling
that
comes
and
goes,
it's
a
choice
that
we
make
every
day.
"【爱情胜过亲情】
2.
"Sometimes
the
people
we
love
the
most
are
the
ones
who
hurt
us
the
most,
but
forgiveness
can
conquer
all.
"【爱情胜过亲情】
3.
"Family
is
important,
but
love
knows
no
bounds.
"【爱情胜过亲情】
4.
"Love
is
patient,
love
is
kind,
and
it
will
always
triumph
over
hate.
"【爱情胜过亲情】
5.
"True
love
isn't
just
about
physical
attraction,
it's
about
a
deep
emotional
connection
that
transcends
all
boundaries.
"【爱情胜过亲情】
6.
"You
can't
choose
your
family,
but
you
can
choose
who
you
open
your
heart
to
and
love.
"【爱情胜过亲情】
7.
"Love
might
not
always
be
easy,
but
it's
always
worth
fighting
for.
"【爱情胜过亲情】
8.
"The
love
between
two
people
can
change
the
course
of
their
lives
and
those
around
them.
"【爱情胜过亲情】
9.
"Love
is
the
most
powerful
force
in
the
universe,
and
it
can
conquer
even
the
darkest
of
obstacles.
"【爱情胜过亲情】
10.
"Family
is
important,
but
love
is
what
truly
makes
a
house
a
home.
"【爱情胜过亲情】
11.
"The
love
we
give
always
comes
back
to
us,
whether
from
family
or
a
significant
other.
"【爱情胜过亲情】
12.
"Love
teaches
us
to
forgive,
to
let
go,
and
to
embrace
the
beauty
of
the
human
experience.
"【爱情胜过亲情】
13.
"When
we
choose
to
love
unconditionally,
we
create
a
powerful
bond
that
can
withstand
anything.
"【爱情胜过亲情】
14.
"Love
is
not
just
a
verb,
it's
a
way
of
life
that
can
transform
everything
it
touches.
"【爱情胜过亲情】
15.
"Sometimes
the
best
love
we
can
give
is
to
walk
away
from
toxic
family
dynamics
and
choose
a
life
of
peace.
"【爱情胜过亲情】
16.
"Love
is
patient,
love
is
kind,
and
it
will
never
fail
us
if
we
open
our
hearts
to
it.
"【爱情胜过亲情】
17.
"True
love
comes
from
within
ourselves
and
the
ability
to
embrace
the
imperfections
of
others.
"【爱情胜过亲情】
18.
"Family
is
important,
but
it's
not
the
only
source
of
love
and
support
in
our
lives.
"【爱情胜过亲情】
19.
"The
love
between
two
people
can
change
the
world
and
create
a
legacy
that
lives
on
for
generations.
"【爱情胜过亲情】
20.
"Love
is
the
key
that
unlocks
the
doors
to
our
hearts
and
the
world
around
us.
"【爱情胜过亲情】