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平时生活的幽默句子(生活和意外的幽默小金句)
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阅读:-
1.
生活就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道下一颗是什么口味。
【Life
is
like
a
box
of
chocolates,
you
never
know
what
you
are
gonna
get.
】
2.
我不胖,只是难以控制体重而已。
【I'm
not
fat,
I'm
just
difficult
to
control
my
weight.
】
3.
心情不好的时候我就会吃东西,结果变得更加不开心。
【When
I'm
feeling
bad,
eat.
Then
feel
bad
about
eating.
】
4.
钱不是万能的,但没有钱确实万万不能。
【Money
can't
buy
happiness,
but
it's
a
lot
more
comfortable
to
cry
in
a
Mercedes
than
on
a
bicycle.
】
5.
我从不认为自己是完美的,除非我戴着我的太阳镜。
【I
don't
think
I'm
perfect
unless
I'm
wearing
my
sunglasses.
】
6.
早起的鸟儿有虫吃,晚起的鸟儿还可以睡个懒觉。
【The
early
bird
catches
the
worm,
the
late
bird
gets
to
sleep
in.
】
7.
我不是智障,只是脑回路比较特别。
【I'm
not
stupid,
my
brain
just
has
a
different
way
of
processing
information.
】
8.
让我们来谈谈人生,你有没有一些绝妙的失败经验可以分享?【Let's
talk
about
life.
Do
you
have
any
spectacularly
failed
attempts
at
it?】
9.
坚持不一定会成功,但放弃一定会一败涂地。
【Success
is
not
guaranteed
by
persistence,
but
it's
certain
if
you
give
up.
】
10.
幸福就像香水,你没法倒给别人,也会溅到自己身上。
【Happiness
is
like
perfume,
you
can't
pour
it
on
others
without
getting
a
few
drops
on
yourself.
】
11.
我喜欢做瑜伽,因为看起来很轻松,实际上却很折磨人。
【I
like
to
do
yoga
because
it
looks
relaxing
but
it's
actually
torture.
】
12.
好好活着,每天都要开开心心,因为明天可能会更糟。
【Live
well,
be
happy
every
day,
because
tomorrow
might
be
worse.
】
13.
越过山丘,才会看到更广阔的世界,你还在原地跳跃吗?【Sometimes
you
gotta
climb
a
mountain
to
see
a
bigger
world.
Are
you
still
hopping
around
in
one
spot?】
14.
成功并不要求我们有多出众,只需坚持比别人多一点点即可。
【Success
doesn't
require
us
to
be
outstanding,
just
a
little
more
persistent
than
others.
】
15.
爱情就像钓鱼,不会抛绝不会收,就算要放弃也不要弃鱼粮。
【Love
is
like
fishing,
if
you
can't
cast,
you
won't
catch.
If
you
gotta
give
up,
don't
give
up
the
bait.
】
16.
小清新只是表面的美,真正的美还需要善和善。
【Being
fresh
and
pure
is
only
skin
deep.
Real
beauty
comes
from
being
kind
to
others.
】
17.
无论多远的路,总有一天我们会到达目的地。
【No
matter
how
long
the
road,
we
will
eventually
reach
our
destination.
】
18.
锻炼身体不仅可以延长寿命,还可以让我们好看一点,这不是两全其美吗?【Exercising
is
not
just
good
for
our
health,
but
it
also
makes
us
look
better.
Isn't
that
killing
two
birds
with
one
stone?】
19.
理想和现实之间的距离永远是无限的。
不过,平凡的人们也能够创造不平凡的人生。
【Dreams
are
always
far
from
reality,
but
ordinary
people
can
still
create
an
extraordinary
life.
】
20.
有时候失败不是因为我们做的不够好,而是因为我们想要的太多。
【Sometimes
failure
is
not
because
we
haven't
tried
hard
enough,
but
because
we
wanted
too
much.
】