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朋友圈适合看的句子短句(适合发朋友圈的好句)
编辑:编辑:匿名
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阅读:-
1.
We
don't
meet
people
by
accident.
They
are
meant
to
cross
our
path
for
a
reason.
】
2.
True
friends
are
like
stars,
you
don't
always
see
them,
but
you
know
they
are
always
there.
】
3.
The
greatest
gift
of
life
is
friendship,
and
appreciate
all
the
amazing
friends
I've
made
over
the
years.
】
4.
Always
hold
on
to
the
people
who
love
you
and
support
you,
they
are
the
ones
who
will
stand
by
your
side
through
thick
and
thin.
】
5.
Friendship
is
not
about
whom
you
have
known
the
longest,
but
about
who
came
and
never
left
your
side.
】
6.
friend
is
someone
who
understands
your
past,
believes
in
your
future,
and
accepts
you
just
the
way
you
are.
】
7.
I'm
grateful
for
the
friends
who
have
stuck
with
me
through
good
times
and
bad,
and
have
helped
me
become
the
person
am
today.
】
8.
true
friend
sees
the
first
tear,
catches
the
second,
and
stops
the
third.
】
9.
friend
is
one
of
the
nicest
things
you
can
have
and
one
of
the
best
things
you
can
be.
】
10.
Life
is
more
beautiful
when
you
have
great
friends
to
share
it
with.
】
11.
Friends
are
like
family,
they
are
the
ones
who
make
life
worth
living.
】
12.
You
don't
always
need
words
to
show
someone
how
much
they
mean
to
you,
sometimes
a
simple
hug
is
enough.
】
13.
Life
is
better
with
friends
by
your
side,
and
wouldn't
want
it
any
other
way.
】
14.
true
friend
is
one
of
the
most
precious
gifts
life
can
offer.
】
15.
friend
is
someone
who
knows
the
song
in
your
heart
and
can
sing
it
back
to
you
when
you
have
forgotten
the
words.
】
16.
You
can
never
have
too
many
friends
in
life,
the
more
the
merrier!】
17.
The
best
way
to
have
a
friend
is
to
be
one.
】
18.
There's
nothing
better
than
spending
time
with
good
friends,
laughing,
and
making
memories.
】
19.
Friends
are
the
family
we
choose
for
ourselves,
and
I'm
lucky
to
have
the
best
family
in
the
world.
】
20.
Life
is
too
short
to
spend
it
with
people
who
bring
you
down,
surround
yourself
with
friends
who
lift
you
up.
】