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防止爱情的句子短句英文(爱情搞笑句子越短越好)
编辑:编辑:投稿
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阅读:-
1.
Love
is
a
double-edged
sword,
it
can
either
bring
immense
joy
or
unbearable
pain.
】
2.
Guard
your
heart,
for
it
is
a
fragile
vessel
that
can
easily
succumb
to
the
perils
of
love.
】
3.
Emotionally
protect
yourself,
for
love
can
blind
you
to
the
truth
and
lead
you
astray.
】
4.
Build
walls
around
your
heart,
lest
someone
breaks
it
and
leaves
you
shattered.
】
5.
Shield
yourself
from
love's
illusionary
promises,
for
they
often
lead
to
disappointment.
】
6.
Be
cautious
of
love's
seduction,
as
it
may
cloud
your
judgment
and
lead
you
into
undesirable
relationships.
】
7.
Don't
let
love
consume
you,
for
it
can
make
you
lose
your
sense
of
self.
】
8.
Protect
your
independence
and
individuality,
for
love
can
make
you
sacrifice
them
in
its
name.
】
9.
Never
rely
solely
on
love
to
bring
you
happiness,
for
it
is
fleeting
and
unpredictable.
】
10.
Guard
your
expectations,
as
love
may
not
always
meet
them,
leaving
you
disheartened.
】
11.
Keep
a
safe
distance
from
love's
uncertain
path,
for
it
can
bring
chaos
to
your
life.
】
12.
Protect
your
heart
from
love's
illusions,
for
they
often
disguise
the
truth.
】
13.
Remember
that
self-love
is
just
as
important
as
romantic
love,
for
it
keeps
you
grounded.
】
14.
Don't
let
love
blind
you
to
red
flags,
for
they
can
be
disguised
as
roses.
】
15.
Be
cautious
of
love's
intoxicating
power,
for
it
can
make
you
lose
sight
of
what
truly
matters.
】
16.
Protect
yourself
from
love's
games,
for
they
often
end
with
a
broken
heart.
】
17.
Don't
sacrifice
your
desires
and
dreams
for
the
sake
of
love,
for
they
are
what
make
you
unique.
】
18.
Surround
yourself
with
love
but
maintain
your
own
identity,
for
merging
completely
can
lead
to
losing
yourself.
】
19.
Don't
let
love
make
you
forget
your
worth,
for
you
deserve
someone
who
appreciates
you
fully.
】
20.
Remember
that
love
cannot
be
forced,
so
don't
try
to
keep
it
from
coming
or
going.
】