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阅读:-
1.
"Smoking
is
a
slow
poison
that
devours
the
body
from
the
inside
out.
"
【#StopSmoking】
2.
"The
only
way
to
truly
be
free
from
the
chains
of
smoking
is
to
break
free
and
never
look
back.
"
【#QuitSmoking】
3.
"Every
puff
you
take
brings
you
closer
to
the
edge
of
your
own
mortality.
"
【#QuitNow】
4.
"The
cost
of
smoking
is
much
greater
than
the
price
you
pay
for
a
pack
of
cigarettes.
"
【#NoSmoking】
5.
"Smoking
is
a
habit
that
slowly
steals
away
your
life,
one
puff
at
a
time.
"
【#QuitForLife】
6.
"Choosing
to
smoke
is
like
choosing
to
play
a
game
of
Russian
Roulette
with
your
health.
"
【#ChooseHealth】
7.
"The
smoke
you
inhale
doesn't
just
affect
you,
but
also
those
around
you.
"
【#BeConsiderate】
8.
"The
only
thing
smoking
does
is
rob
you
of
your
health
and
happiness.
"
【#BeFree】
9.
"Kick
the
smoking
habit
to
the
curb
and
embrace
a
life
full
of
energy
and
vitality.
"
【#HealthyLiving】
10.
"The
biggest
lie
we
tell
ourselves
is
that
smoking
is
not
harmful
to
our
health.
"
【#HonestyIsKey】
11.
"There
is
no
such
thing
as
a
harmless
cigarette.
"
【#StayAware】
12.
"Smoking
doesn't
just
harm
your
physical
health,
but
also
your
mental
well-being.
"
【#QuitSmokingToday】
13.
"Your
life
is
too
precious
to
waste
on
a
habit
that
brings
nothing
but
harm.
"
【#ValueYourself】
14.
"Quitting
smoking
may
be
difficult,
but
the
rewards
are
worth
it.
"
【#StayStrong】
15.
"When
you
quit
smoking,
you
open
the
door
to
a
brighter
and
healthier
future.
"
【#HopefulThoughts】
16.
"The
benefits
of
quitting
smoking
go
far
beyond
just
physical
health.
"
【#LiveBetter】
17.
"The
first
step
towards
quitting
smoking
is
believing
that
you
can
do
it.
"
【#BelieveInYourself】
18.
"Smoking
is
a
reminder
of
how
fragile
our
bodies
are
and
how
important
it
is
to
take
care
of
ourselves.
"
【#SelfCareMatters】
19.
"The
journey
to
a
smoke-free
life
may
not
be
easy,
but
it's
definitely
worth
it.
"
【#NeverGiveUp】
20.
"Smoking
may
seem
like
a
temporary
escape,
but
it
eventually
catches
up
with
you
and
steals
away
your
happiness.
"
【#ChooseHappiness】