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单身的句子温柔治愈英语
编辑:编辑:投稿
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阅读:-
1.
It's
okay
to
be
single,
focus
on
loving
yourself
first.
【】
2.
Being
single
doesn't
mean
you're
alone,
cherish
your
friendships
and
connections.
【】
3.
Enjoy
the
freedom
of
being
single,
and
explore
new
hobbies
and
interests.
【】
4.
Your
worth
isn't
determined
by
your
relationship
status,
you
are
enough
as
you
are.
【】
5.
Take
your
time
and
truly
get
to
know
yourself,
your
values,
and
what
you
want
in
life.
【】
6.
Don't
settle
for
less
than
you
deserve,
hold
out
for
someone
who
truly
matches
your
energy.
【】
7.
It's
better
to
be
single
than
in
a
toxic
or
unfulfilling
relationship.
【】
8.
Don't
compare
yourself
to
others,
everyone's
journey
is
different
and
valid.
【】
9.
Treat
yourself
with
kindness
and
compassion,
you
are
your
own
best
friend.
【】
10.
You
don't
need
to
have
a
partner
to
be
happy,
find
joy
in
the
little
things
in
life.
【】
11.
Being
single
is
a
part
of
the
journey,
not
the
destination.
【】
12.
Embrace
your
independence
and
learn
to
rely
on
yourself.
【】
13.
It's
okay
to
take
a
break
from
dating
and
focus
on
your
personal
growth.
【】
14.
Trust
the
timing
of
your
life,
everything
happens
for
a
reason.
【】
15.
Value
your
alone
time
and
prioritize
self-care.
【】
16.
Love
will
come
when
you
least
expect
it,
don't
force
it.
【】
17.
Being
single
allows
you
to
create
your
own
path
and
be
true
to
yourself.
【】
18.
Don't
let
society
pressure
you
into
feeling
like
you
need
a
partner
to
be
happy
or
successful.
【】
19.
Your
happiness
doesn't
depend
on
someone
else,
it
starts
with
your
own
inner
peace.
【】
20.
Being
single
gives
you
the
opportunity
to
grow,
learn,
and
become
the
best
version
of
yourself.
【】