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地膜图片伤感语录英语(情感语录扎心伤感图片)
编辑:编辑:互联网
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阅读:-
1.
The
plastic
cover
may
protect
the
crops,
but
it
cannot
save
the
soul
of
the
land.
【sadness】
2.
Like
a
layer
of
skin
stretched
over
the
earth,
the
film
suffocates
the
natural
world
beneath
it.
【metaphor】
3.
It's
heart-wrenching
to
see
how
we
destroy
nature
with
our
superficial
solutions.
【regret】
4.
Beneath
the
undulating
plastics,
the
earth
longs
for
a
breath
of
fresh
air.
【personification】
5.
For
every
bit
of
convenience,
there's
a
cost
that
we
pay
with
the
beauty
of
our
surroundings.
【trade-off】
6.
Nature's
true
beauty
lies
not
in
its
perfection
but
in
its
impermanence.
【paradox】
7.
The
irony
of
humanity:
we
create
destruction
in
the
name
of
progress.
【cynicism】
8.
We
may
think
we're
benefiting
from
these
synthetic
coverings,
but
in
reality,
it's
a
trap
that
steals
from
the
future.
【warning】
9.
The
films
may
keep
the
weeds
at
bay,
but
they
also
kill
the
flowers
that
would
have
grown
in
their
place.
【contradiction】
10.
The
land
that
once
nourished
us
now
suffocates
beneath
the
weight
of
our
progress.
【regret】
11.
If
only
we
could
see
the
world
without
the
veil
of
our
transient
conveniences.
【yearning】
12.
Beneath
the
plastic,
the
land
mourns
the
loss
of
its
innocence.
【personification】
13.
The
film
may
shield
us
from
the
harsh
realities
of
the
weather,
but
it
blinds
us
to
the
truth
of
our
impact
on
nature.
【metaphor】
14.
We
may
reap
the
harvest
that
we
sow,
but
at
what
cost
to
the
planet?
【reflection】
15.
Progress
is
not
worth
betraying
the
very
thing
that
gives
us
life.
【value
statement】
16.
Beneath
the
plastic,
the
land
awaits
its
reckoning.
【personification】
17.
The
films
conceal
the
beauty
of
nature
but
reveal
the
ugliness
of
our
disregard
for
the
environment.
【irony】
18.
The
earth
may
be
covered
in
plastic,
but
its
resilience
remains
untarnished.
【hope】
19.
The
mistreatment
of
nature
is
the
ultimate
betrayal
of
a
nurturing
mother.
【metaphor】
20.
Beneath
the
plastic,
the
earth
hides
its
wounds,
waiting
for
us
to
heal
them.
【personification】