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拉丁生活照片文案句子(发生活照片的文案)
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阅读:-
1.
Carpe
diem!
Seize
the
day
and
make
it
yours.
【#LatinLife】
2.
Veni,
vidi,
vici.
came,
saw,
conquered
-
every
day!
【#LivingItUp】
3.
Amor
vincit
omnia.
Love
conquers
all,
and
it
begins
with
self-love.
【#LoveYourself】
4.
Ars
longa,
vita
brevis.
Art
is
long,
life
is
short
-
so
create
something
meaningful
every
day.
【#CreateArt】
5.
Per
aspera
ad
astra.
Through
hardships
to
the
stars
-
keep
reaching
for
your
dreams.
【#DreamBig】
6.
Dum
spiro
spero.
While
breathe,
hope
-
and
never
give
up.
【#NeverGiveUp】
7.
Vincit
qui
patitur.
He
who
endures,
conquers
-
don't
give
up
when
things
get
tough.
【#Endure】
8.
Cogito,
ergo
sum.
think,
therefore
am
-
and
think
positively
every
day.
【#PositiveThinking】
9.
Non
multa
sed
multum.
Not
many
things,
but
much
-
focus
on
what
truly
matters
in
life.
【#Simplify】
10.
Et
tu,
brute?
Even
you,
Brutus?
-
Trust
no
one
but
yourself
and
your
own
instincts.
【#TrustYourself】
11.
Dum
vita
est,
spes
est.
While
there
is
life,
there
is
hope
-
always
look
towards
the
future.
【#LookAhead】
12.
Nunc
est
bibendum.
Now
is
the
time
to
drink
-
enjoy
the
little
things
in
life.
【#Cheers】
13.
Alma
mater.
Nourishing
mother
-
always
be
grateful
for
your
upbringing
and
education.
【#Grateful】
14.
Nil
desperandum.
Never
despair
-
keep
pushing
forward
and
striving
for
great
things.
【#KeepGoing】
15.
Ad
astra
per
aspera.
To
the
stars
through
difficulties
-
never
let
obstacles
hold
you
back.
【#ReachForTheStars】
16.
Mens
sana
in
corpore
sano.
sound
mind
in
a
sound
body
-
take
care
of
yourself
physically
and
mentally.
【#SelfCare】
17.
Quo
vadis?
Where
are
you
going?
-
always
have
a
clear
direction
and
purpose
in
life.
【#KeepMovingForward】
18.
Caveat
emptor.
Let
the
buyer
beware
-
always
be
cautious
and
aware
of
your
surroundings.
【#StayVigilant】
19.
Veni,
vidi,
amavi.
came,
saw,
loved
-
cherish
the
beautiful
moments
in
life.
【#CherishLife】
20.
Fiat
lux.
Let
there
be
light
-
always
be
a
beacon
of
positivity
and
hope.
【#SpreadPositivity】