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句子爱情晚些遇见(爱情遇见的唯美句子)
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阅读:-
1.
"Love
is
never
too
late
to
find
you,
but
it
may
take
a
detour
to
prepare
you.
"【思考人生】
2.
"Meeting
someone
later
in
life
means
having
more
to
offer
and
appreciate.
"【成熟美好】
3.
"The
best
things
in
life
are
worth
waiting
for,
even
love.
"【耐心等待】
4.
"The
timing
of
love
is
not
determined
by
age,
but
by
destiny.
"【缘分至上】
5.
"Sometimes
love
needs
time
to
grow
roots
before
it
can
bear
fruit.
"【用心经营】
6.
"The
joy
of
love
is
not
in
its
early
stages,
but
in
its
deep
roots
and
strong
foundations.
"【深厚感情】
7.
"Love
that
arrives
later
in
life
is
often
more
mature,
more
enduring,
and
more
meaningful.
"【傻傻分不清】
8.
"When
love
arrives
late,
it
comes
with
more
gratitude,
appreciation,
and
respect.
"【珍惜眼前人】
9.
"The
journey
to
love
is
never
easy,
but
it
is
always
worth
it
in
the
end.
"【坚持到底】
10.
"Love
is
never
too
late
to
live,
but
it
is
always
too
early
to
give
up
on.
"【永不言弃】
11.
"In
love,
timing
is
important,
but
so
is
the
willingness
to
take
a
chance.
"【抓住机会】
12.
"Love
that
comes
later
in
life
is
a
gift
that
we
often
take
for
granted.
"【感恩有你】
13.
"The
true
test
of
love
is
not
in
its
timing,
but
in
its
willingness
to
withstand
the
test
of
time.
"【磨合感情】
14.
"The
beauty
of
love
is
that
it
can
surprise
us
at
any
age.
"【猝不及防】
15.
"Love
is
a
journey
that
can
be
taken
at
any
age,
as
long
as
we
are
willing
to
open
our
hearts.
"【勇敢表白】
16.
"Sometimes
it
takes
a
lifetime
to
find
love,
but
it's
never
too
late
to
start
the
journey.
"【一生所爱】
17.
"Love
that
arrives
later
in
life
can
be
the
greatest
reward
for
a
life
well-lived.
"【终身幸福】
18.
"The
best
love
stories
often
unfold
in
unexpected
ways,
later
in
life.
"【出乎意料的美好】
19.
"Love
that
arrives
later
in
life
is
a
second
chance
to
make
the
most
of
our
lives.
"【重新出发】
20.
"Life
is
full
of
surprises,
and
love
that
arrives
later
in
life
is
one
of
the
sweetest.
"【珍惜幸福】