.jpg)
When
the
sun
sets,
the
colors
of
the
sky
paint
a
beautiful
canvas.
【English】
2.
우리의
인생은
마치
아름다운
음악같아요.
(Our
lives
are
like
beautiful
music)
【Korean】
3.
Beauty
is
not
just
found
in
physical
appearance,
but
also
in
the
kindness
of
one's
heart.
【English】
4.
아름다움은
외모뿐만
아니라
마음에
있는
친절함에서도
발견됩니다.
(Beauty
is
also
found
in
the
kindness
of
the
heart)
【Korean】
5.
The
sound
of
the
waves
crashing
against
the
shore
is
a
melody
to
my
ears.
【English】
6.
바닷물이
박수치며
언제나
내
마음을
움직여요.
(The
sound
of
waves
always
moves
my
heart)
【Korean】
7.
Nature
has
a
way
of
showing
us
the
true
meaning
of
beauty.
【English】
8.
자연은
아름다움의
참된
의미를
보여주는
방법을
갖고
있습니다.
(Nature
has
a
way
of
showing
us
the
true
meaning
of
beauty)
【Korean】
9.
heart
full
of
love
shines
brighter
than
any
diamond.
【English】
10.
사랑으로
가득
찬
마음은
어떤
다이아몬드보다
더
빛나요.
(A
heart
full
of
love
shines
brighter
than
any
diamond)
【Korean】
11.
The
warmth
of
the
sun
on
my
skin
makes
me
feel
alive.
【English】
2.
햇살의
따뜻함은
제
몸을
살아있게
만듭니다.
(The
warmth
of
the
sun
makes
me
feel
alive)
【Korean】
3.
beautiful
smile
can
light
up
even
the
darkest
of
rooms.
【English】
4.
아름다운
미소는
어떤
어둠
속에서도
빛을
내어줍니다.
(A
beautiful
smile
can
light
up
even
the
darkest
of
rooms)
【Korean】
5.
The
stars
in
the
night
sky
remind
us
of
how
vast
and
beautiful
the
universe
truly
is.
【English】
6.
밤하늘의
별들은
우주가
얼마나
광대하고
아름다운지를
상기시켜줍니다.
(The
stars
in
the
night
sky
remind
us
of
how
vast
and
beautiful
the
universe
truly
is)
【Korean】
7.
The
gentle
breeze
on
a
warm
summer
day
is
pure
bliss.
【English】
8.
따뜻한
여름
날씨에
부드러운
바람은
행복한
순간입니다.
(The
gentle
breeze
on
a
warm
summer
day
is
pure
bliss)
【Korean】
9.
The
beauty
in
life
is
found
in
the
simple
moments
that
we
often
take
for
granted.
【English】
20.
인생의
아름다움은
자주
당연시
여기는
간단한
순간에
있다는
것을
기억해야합니다.
(The
beauty
in
life
is
found
in
the
simple
moments
that
we
often
take
for
granted)
【Korean】
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