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分辨爱情与友情的句子(同性如何分辨友情和爱情)
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阅读:-
1.
"Love
takes
hold
of
the
heart,
while
friendship
grasps
the
hand.
"
【爱情抓住心灵,友情握住手】
2.
"You
don't
need
to
hold
hands
with
a
friend,
but
you
can't
imagine
life
without
them.
"
【朋友不需要牵手,但没有他们的生活不可想象】
3.
"Love
can
be
passionate
and
fiery,
while
friendship
is
a
steady
flame
that
warms
the
soul.
"
【爱情可以充满激情和火焰,而友情是一种稳定的火焰,温暖灵魂】
4.
"Friends
will
drop
everything
to
be
with
you,
while
love
may
require
sacrifices.
"
【朋友会为你付出一切,爱情或许需要牺牲】
5.
"Love
can
be
a
rollercoaster
ride
of
ups
and
downs,
but
friendship
is
a
steady
climb
to
the
top.
"
【爱情可以是一场起起落落的过山车,而友情是一步一个脚印的攀登】
6.
"Friendship
is
walking
with
someone
without
necessarily
knowing
where
you
are
going,
while
love
is
a
journey
with
a
destination.
"
【友情是和一个人一起走路,不一定知道目的地在哪里,而爱情是有目的地的旅程】
7.
"Friends
know
your
flaws
and
love
you
anyway,
while
love
requires
perfection.
"
【朋友知道你的缺点,仍然爱你,而爱情需要完美】
8.
"Love
can
consume
your
thoughts
and
emotions,
while
friendship
provides
a
safe
space
to
share
them.
"
【爱情可以占据你的思想和情感,而友情提供一个安全的空间来分享它们】
9.
"Friends
are
a
comfort
in
difficult
times,
while
love
can
make
those
times
bearable.
"
【朋友是在困难时期的慰藉,而爱情可以让这些时期变得可承受】
10.
"Love
can
bring
out
the
best
and
worst
in
you,
while
friendship
accepts
you
as
you
are.
"
【爱情可以将你最好和最坏的一面带出来,而友情接受你的本来面目】
11.
"Friends
support
your
dreams
and
aspirations,
while
love
may
require
compromise.
"
【朋友支持你的梦想和愿望,而爱情或许需要妥协】
12.
"Love
can
be
intense
and
passionate,
while
friendship
is
a
steady
love
that
endures.
"
【爱情可以充满强烈的激情,而友情则是一种持久的稳定爱】
13.
"Friends
make
you
laugh
and
forget
your
troubles,
while
love
can
be
the
cure
for
those
troubles.
"
【朋友让你笑,忘记烦恼,而爱情可能是解决这些烦恼的方法】
14.
"Love
can
be
unpredictable
and
volatile,
while
friendship
is
a
constant
you
can
rely
on.
"
【爱情可以不可预测和不稳定,而友情是一个不变的你可以依赖的东西】
15.
"Friends
are
the
family
you
choose,
while
love
can
bring
families
together.
"
【朋友是你选择的家人,而爱情可以让家庭凝聚在一起】
16.
"Love
can
be
fleeting,
while
friendship
is
forever.
"
【爱情可能是短暂的,而友情是永恒的】
17.
"Friends
accept
you
for
who
you
are,
while
love
can
try
to
change
you.
"
【朋友接受你的本来面目,而爱情可能试图改变你】
18.
"Love
can
be
like
a
fairytale,
while
friendship
is
the
happily
ever
after.
"
【爱情可以像童话故事,而友情则是永远的幸福结局】
19.
"Friends
provide
a
shoulder
to
cry
on,
while
love
can
be
the
reason
for
those
tears.
"
【朋友提供一个可以哭的肩膀,而爱情可能是这些眼泪的原因】
20.
"Love
can
be
passionate
and
consuming,
while
friendship
is
a
steady
flame
that
burns
bright.
"
【爱情可以充满激情和燃烧,而友情则是一盏持久的明灯】