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女人文案伤感英文语录(emo文案伤感英文)
编辑:编辑:佚名
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阅读:-
1.
"She
wore
her
scars
as
her
best
attire.
stunning
dress
made
of
hellfire.
"】
2.
"She
may
be
broken,
but
she's
a
masterpiece
in
her
own
unique
way.
"】
3.
"Her
scars
remind
her
that
she
survived
and
conquered.
"】
4.
"Through
every
heartbreak
and
tear
shed,
she
still
stands
strong.
"】
5.
"A
woman's
strength
lies
in
her
vulnerability.
"】
6.
"Behind
every
woman's
beauty
lies
a
story
of
pain,
of
love,
of
loss,
and
of
triumph.
"】
7.
"She's
not
a
princess
in
distress,
but
a
queen
in
her
own
castle.
"】
8.
"A
woman's
heart
is
a
deep
ocean
of
secrets.
"】
9.
"She
was
a
storm
wrapped
in
skin,
and
she
knew
how
to
bend
with
the
winds
of
change.
"】
10.
"She
believed
she
could,
and
so
she
did.
"】
11.
"A
woman's
worth
is
not
determined
by
her
beauty
or
her
strength,
but
by
her
heart.
"】
12.
"She
stumbled,
she
fell,
but
she
rose
again,
dusted
herself
off,
and
kept
going.
"】
13.
"A
woman's
scars
do
not
define
her,
but
they
give
her
the
strength
to
keep
moving
forward.
"】
14.
"She's
not
just
a
pretty
face,
but
a
warrior
of
her
own
battles.
"】
15.
"A
woman's
intuition
is
her
greatest
superpower.
"】
16.
"She's
not
afraid
of
the
darkness,
for
she
knows
that's
where
she
shines
the
brightest.
"】
17.
"A
woman's
heart
is
a
garden
of
love,
where
every
seed
planted
grows
into
something
beautiful.
"】
18.
"She's
not
perfect,
but
she's
perfectly
flawed,
and
that's
what
makes
her
unique.
"】
19.
"A
woman's
strength
lies
in
her
ability
to
love
unconditionally,
even
when
she's
been
hurt
before.
"】
20.
"She's
not
afraid
of
being
vulnerable,
for
she
knows
that's
where
real
connections
are
formed.
"】